Partonomy list P3F, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

common carotid artery (pair)

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Top level cardiovascular system Short Extended
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Current level common carotid artery (pair) Short
Subsidiary language with Latin
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Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
3939 3804
common carotid artery (pair)
arteria carotis communis (par); arteria carotica communis (par)
50096 3807
carotid bifurcation (pair)
bifurcatio carotidis (par)
50095 3805
carotid body (pair)
glomus caroticum (par)
50094 3900
carotid sinus
sinus caroticus
10635 3808
external carotid artery (pair)
arteria carotis externa (par); arteria carotica externa (par)
49472 3809
arteria thyroidea superior (par)
49474 3810
infrahyoid branch (pair)
ramus infrahyoideus (par)
49477 3811
sternocleidomastoid branch (pair)
ramus sternocleidomastoideus (par)
49480 3812
superior laryngeal artery (pair)
arteria laryngea superior (par)
49483 3813
cricothyroid branch (pair)
ramus cricothyroideus (par)
49488 3814
anterior glandular branch (pair)
ramus glandularis anterior (par)
49491 3815
posterior glandular branch (pair)
ramus glandularis posterior (par)
49494 3816
lateral glandular branch (pair)
ramus glandularis lateralis (par)
(pyramidal artery (pair) )
(arteria pyramidalis (par) )
49497 3817
arteria pharyngea ascendens (par)
pharyngeal trunk (pair)
truncus pharyngeus (par)
49520 3819
pharyngeal branches of (pair)
rami pharyngei (par)
superior pharyngeal branch (pair)
ramus pharyngeus superior (par)
middle pharyngeal branch (pair)
ramus pharyngeus medius (par)
inferior pharyngeal branch (pair)
ramus pharyngeus inferior (par)
neuromeningeal trunk (pair)
truncus neuromeningeus (par)
posterior meningeal artery (pair)
arteria meningea posterior (par)
hypoglossal branch (pair)
ramus hypoglossus (par)
jugular branch (pair)
ramus jugularis (par)
49506 3820
inferior tympanic artery (pair)
arteria tympanica inferior (par)
spinomuscular artery (pair)
arteria spinomuscularis (par)
77438 3821
(linguofacial trunk (pair) )
(truncus linguofacialis (par) )
49526 3822
lingual artery (pair) P4 14 children
arteria lingualis (par)
49540 3823
suprahyoid branch (pair)
ramus suprahyoideus (par)
49546 3824
dorsal lingual branches (pair)
rami dorsales linguae (par)
49543 3825
sublingual artery (pair)
arteria sublingualis (par)
49532 3826
deep lingual artery (pair)
arteria profunda linguae (par)
49549 3827
facial artery (pair) P4 32 children
arteria facialis (par)
49558 3829
tonsillar branch (pair)
ramus tonsillaris (par)
49561 3830
submental artery (pair)
arteria submentalis (par)
71675 3831
glandular branches of (pair)
rami glandulares (par)
49567 3832
inferior labial artery (pair)
arteria labialis inferior (par)
296683 15657
inferior arch of lips (pair)
arcus labiorum inferior (par)
49570 3833
superior labial artery (pair)
arteria labialis superior (par)
49573 3834
nasal septal branch (pair)
ramus septi nasi (par)
296648 15658
superior arch of lips (pair)
arcus labiorum superior (par)
49580 3835
lateral nasal branch (pair)
ramus nasalis lateralis (par)
49583 3836
angular artery (pair)
arteria angularis (par)
49586 3837
occipital artery (pair) P4 20 children
arteria occipitalis (par)
49599 3838
mastoid branch (pair)
ramus mastoideus (par)
49602 3839
auricular branch (pair)
ramus auricularis (par)
49590 3840
sternocleidomastoid branches of (pair)
rami sternocleidomastoidei (par)
49605 3841
occipital branches of (pair)
rami occipitales (par)
49618 3842
(meningeal branch (pair))
(ramus meningeus (par))
49608 3843
descending branch (pair)
ramus descendens (par)
49624 3844
arteria auricularis posterior (par)
49628 3845
stylomastoid artery (pair)
arteria stylomastoidea (par)
49631 3846
posterior tympanic artery (pair)
arteria tympanica posterior (par)
49635 3847
mastoid branches of (pair)
rami mastoidei (par)
49638 3848
(stapedial branch (pair))
(ramus stapedius (par))
49641 3849
auricular branch (pair)
ramus auricularis (par)
49644 3850
occipital branch (pair)
ramus occipitalis (par)
49647 3851
parotid branch (pair)
ramus parotideus (par)
49650 3852
arteria temporalis superficialis (par)
49654 3853
parotid branch (pair)
ramus parotideus (par)
49657 3854
transverse facial artery (pair)
arteria transversa faciei (par)
71679 3855
anterior auricular branches of (pair)
rami auriculares anteriores (par)
49663 3856
(zygomaticoorbital artery (pair) )
(arteria zygomaticoorbitalis (par) )
49666 3857
middle temporal artery (pair)
arteria temporalis media (par)
49669 3858
frontal branch (pair)
ramus frontalis (par)
49670 3859
parietal branch (pair)
ramus parietalis (par)
49675 3860
maxillary artery (pair) P4 116 children
arteria maxillaris (par)
49689 3861
deep auricular artery (pair)
arteria auricularis profunda (par)
49692 3862
anterior tympanic artery (pair)
arteria tympanica anterior (par)
49695 3863
inferior alveolar artery (pair)
arteria alveolaris inferior (par)
49699 3864
dental branches of (pair)
rami dentales (par)
49700 3865
peridental branches of (pair)
rami peridentales (par)
49701 3866
mental branch (pair)
ramus mentalis (par)
49702 3867
mylohyoid branch (pair)
ramus mylohyoideus (par)
49711 3868
middle meningeal artery (pair)
arteria meningea media (par)
49715 3869
accessory branch (pair)
ramus accessorius (par)
49716 3870
frontal branch (pair)
ramus frontalis (par)
49717 3871
orbital branch (pair)
ramus orbitalis (par)
49718 3872
parietal branch (pair)
ramus parietalis (par)
49719 3873
petrosal branch (pair)
ramus petrosus (par)
49720 3874
superior tympanic artery (pair)
arteria tympanica superior (par)
49733 3875
anastomotic branch of lacrimal artery (pair)
ramus anastomoticus lacrimalis (par)
49739 3877
masseteric artery (pair)
arteria masseterica (par)
49745 3878
anterior deep temporal artery (pair)
arteria temporalis profunda anterior (par)
49746 3879
posterior deep temporal artery (pair)
arteria temporalis profunda posterior (par)
49751 3880
pterygoid branches of (pair)
rami pterygoidei (par)
49754 3881
buccal artery (pair)
arteria buccalis (par)
49757 3882
posterior superior alveolar artery (pair)
arteria alveolaris superior posterior (par)
71683 3883
dental branches of (pair)
rami dentales (par)
71684 3884
peridental branches of (pair)
rami peridentales (par)
49767 3885
infraorbital artery (pair)
arteria infraorbitalis (par)
middle superior alveolar artery (pair)
arteria alveolaris superior media (par)
71685 3886
anterior superior alveolar arteries (pair)
arteriae alveolares superiores anteriores (par)
71686 3887
dental branches of (pair)
rami dentales (par)
71687 3888
peridental branches of (pair)
rami peridentales (par)
85528 3889
artery of pterygoid canal (pair)
arteria canalis pterygoidei (par)
49797 3890
pharyngeal branch (pair)
ramus pharyngeus (par)
pterygovaginal artery (pair)
arteria pterygovaginalis (par)
49791 3891
descending palatine artery (pair)
arteria palatina descendens (par)
49795 3892
greater palatine artery (pair)
arteria palatina major (par)
71688 3893
lesser palatine arteries (pair)
arteriae palatinae minores (par)
49797 3894
pharyngeal branch (pair)
ramus pharyngeus (par)
49804 3895
sphenopalatine artery (pair)
arteria sphenopalatina (par)
71689 3896
lateral posterior nasal arteries of (pair)
arteriae nasales posteriores laterales (par)
71690 3897
posterior septal branches of (pair)
rami septales posteriores (par)
3947 3898
internal carotid artery
arteria carotis interna; arteria carotica interna
106 lines
50.9 %
45.3 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
New subdivision: Following Hacein-Bey et al. (2002 Am J Neuroradiol AJNR 23:1246-1256), the ascending pharyngeal artery divides into two trunks, pharyngeal and neuromeningeal .
The Arteria alveolaris superior media typically supplies the upper premolars and adjacent gingiva.
The Arteria pyramidalis is a variant branch from the distal part of the superior thyroid artery, supplying the pyramidal lobe of the thyroid gland, when present (Mangalgiri et al. 2018 Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 70:313-318).
The Arcus labiorum inferior is an arterial anastomosis between both superior labial arteries, located in the musculus orbicularis oris of the lower lip (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
The Arcus labiorum superior is an arterial anastomosis between both superior labial arteries, located in the musculus orbicularis oris of the upper lip (Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Date: 23.06.2023